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Temporary Event Notices

What is a permitted temporary activity?

It is a proposed event involving  one or more licensable activities operated within certain limitations.

What is a temporary event notice?

It is a notice of the intention to undertake licensable activities on:

  • Entirely unlicensed premises,
  • Licensed premises for occasions or activities not already covered by the premises licence, such as a temporary extension to bar opening hours or additional licensable activities.

Premises with a premises licence may have have appropriate conditions imposed upon a temporary event notice.

What are the different types of TEN?

thee are two different types,which are:

  • standard TEN- must be received by the licensing authority at least 10 working day prior to the scheduled event;
  • Late TEN- must be received  by the licensing authority at no earlier than 9 working days and no later than 5 working days prior to the scheduled event.

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